
S-SHAPER embodies the perfect blend of innovation, quality, versatility, and customer-centricity that sets them apart as a leader in the shapewear industry. By choosing S-SHAPER as your manufacturing partner, you can elevate your brand with premium shapewear products that exceed expectations and resonate with your target audience.


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Shapewear for Women

Beauty Salon Collaboration

Background: In late 2020, a pioneering collaboration was initiated with a prestigious offline beauty salon chain. Known for its innovative treatments and exceptional customer service,

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International Sportswear Brand Cooperation Case

In 2018, a groundbreaking partnership was formed between our company and a globally acclaimed sportswear brand, with the ambitious goal of creating high-performance shapewear that blends functionality with fashion. This venture was driven by the brand’s vision to offer sportswear that excels in performance while catering to a fashion-forward audience.

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